Veronique Theberge walks us through what Mindfulness is and what it can look like in recovery. The theme for August 2022 is mindfulness at Heal the Brain and we are attempting a 30 day challenge of 5 minute meditations. Either join along or drop into your own 30 day challenge!
Read MoreLimiting beliefs are very difficult, because they tend to be well reasoned arguments against growth and they often use truth in a deceitful way to argue a point. For example, when you have had a brain injury it IS a difficult situation. In the first several months to a year, persons who experience that first surge of healing tend to have a growth mindset that squashes limiting beliefs. They use a lot of powerful words like “yet” and verbs with “ing” such as “trying” “working” “moving” “reaching”. I can always tell when patients are about to take up residence on the limiting beliefs plateau, because their language changes. I hear less action verbs and more verbs of being. Everything turns to grey and my least favorite phrase takes over “it IS what it IS.”
Read MoreYou don’t need to face the end of your life to begin dreaming. Most of you have already experienced what the end may look like. You have fought your way back from almost dying and you deserve to live and to live well. Life cannot be constant goal setting and schlepping from one therapy to the next. You need to have some form of play, rest, and relaxation to keep going and to remember what life is all about.
Read MoreWhen we are present, we cannot be mean to ourselves or think of where our recovery should be. If we are present, we cannot relive or obsess over where we are going. We can only move forward and focus on that one movement, one finger, or one toe.
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