Resources & Social Support for Brain Injury Survivors

Core Beliefs

Heal the Brain values current research regarding neuroplasticity and the practical application of this research in the daily lives of the brain injury survivor. Our community understands that brain injury recovery is a delicate balance of physical, cognitive, and emotional health. We believe all aspects must be addressed in order for the survivor to reach the highest level of recovery. Additionally, it is vital that survivors receive continued care, as recovery requires continued maintenance.

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Early Days: A Broad Vision

As an occupational therapist in Central California, Founder Jane Connely was disappointed and frustrated that the US-based healthcare system discharges survivors based on insurance rather than need. This leads to a cycle of readmissions and increase in debility. The unmet needs of the brain-injured population in San Luis Obispo County led her to begin Heal The Brain With Jane, an online platform where she and others offered tips and resources for brain injury survivors.

As of December 2020, Heal the Brain With Jane had evolved into a community and a global movement. It had grown well beyond a one-woman show. Acknowledging this spontaneous evolution with gratitude and optimism, the non-profit was repositioned as the survivor and clinician-centered model we know today as Heal the Brain. So far, this horizontal structure has engendered more creativity, connection, and recovery worldwide.

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Our Story


Today, we are a rising global community of brain injury survivors and clinicians. We come together to share resources and create social support. Heal the Brain is a registered non-profit supported through Like-Minded Workshops, fundraisers, sponsorships, grants and in-kind donations.

Our shared successes rely on volunteers who donate their time and talent to thoughtfully grow our community. If you are interested in contributing to our community by leading a workshop, contributing content for our blog and/or social media or anything else, we’d love to hear from you. We are grateful!


Our Founder

Heal the Brain Founder, Jane Connely, is an Occupational Therapist and neuro specialist in San Luis Obispo, CA. Jane graduated from University of Southern California with her MA in Occupational Therapy in 2013 and holds neurodevelopmental training (NDT) since 2018.

Jane is remotely available as a consultant via Zoom. If you are interested in working with Jane, please reach out.

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