Posts in Goal Achievement
10 Things Brain Injury Survivors Can Teach The World About Transformation

We all have areas we need to change, but if I had a choice I don’t want to change I want to transform. Change implies something that happens like turning on a switch and making a room light up or fill with darkness. Change isn’t always good. Transformation; however, is life altering, deliberate, and almost always better than what you thought was good enough. 

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The Mythology Of Limiting Beliefs: How To Stop Buying In To B.S.

Limiting beliefs are very difficult, because they tend to be well reasoned arguments against growth and they often use truth in a deceitful way to argue a point. For example, when you have had a brain injury it IS a difficult situation. In the first several months to a year, persons who experience that first surge of healing tend to have a growth mindset that squashes limiting beliefs. They use a lot of powerful words like “yet” and verbs with “ing” such as “trying” “working” “moving” “reaching”. I can always tell when patients are about to take up residence on the limiting beliefs plateau, because their language changes. I hear less action verbs and more verbs of being. Everything turns to grey and my least favorite phrase takes over “it IS what it IS.” 

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