Madeline Neibanck

Author | Advocate | Stroke Survivor

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Madeline Niebanck graduated from Georgetown University in Washington, DC, in May of 2017. A few days later she went to the hospital for a planned surgery to treat an Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM). An untreated AVM can result in a serious stroke. During a pre-surgery procedure, though, that AVM gave way and Maddi suffered a stroke.

While going through recovery, Madeline wrote her first book, Fashion Fwd: How Today’s Culture Shapes Tomorrow’s Fashion. Readers loved the book, but especially connected with Maddi’s story of stroke recovery.

That response inspired her to write her second book, Fast Fwd: The Fully Recovered Mindset.


How To Tell Your Story

Workshop Description

Coming soon…


Fashion Fwd: How Today’s Culture Shapes Tomorrow’s Fashion

Fast Fwd: The Fully Recovered Mindset