Jane Connely

Creative | Occupational Therapist | Advocate



Heal the Brain Founder, Jane Connely is an Occupational Therapist and neuro specialist in San Luis Obispo, CA. She received her MA in Occupational Therapy from the University of Southern California, as well as a BA in English Literature from Loyola Marymount University. She is also NDT Certified (Neurodevelopmental Training).

In 2018, she launched Heal The Brain With Jane, an online platform where she and others offered tips and resources for brain injury survivors. This evolved into the global survivor and clinician-centered non-profit we now know as Heal the Brain.

Today, Jane hosts a podcast called No-Brainer and continues daily work with Heal the Brain. She is a practicing in-person occupational therapist in Downtown San Luis Obispo and also offers remote consulting and coaching.

Jane is happily married and has two darling little boys she calls her “dragons”. They can’t even think about getting a pet.


Fine Motor Skills

Workshop Description

Learn how to stretch your hand, manage your spasticity, and begin to use your affected hand.
