Delanie Stephenson

Author | Teacher |Survivor



Delanie Stephenson is a former high school history teacher who recovered from a stroke at the age of 33 in 2012. She always wanted to write about something….after the stroke, she had her story. She has written two books, The Calm Before the Storm: A Stroke Survivor’s Storyand Mom Had a Stroke. Her essays about life after stroke have been in the magazines Stroke Connection and Stroke Smart as well as online at She still sees herself as a teacher; her subject matter just hits a little closer to home. She lives with her husband of 20 years and her two teenagers in Virginia.


Parenting After Stroke

Workshop Description

This workshop will focus on the challenges and adversities many parents and families experience after having a stroke. Since more and more young people are having strokes, more of the stroke population are moms or dads who are facing stroke rehabilitation along with raising a family. Emphasis will be placed on the fact that stroke affects the whole family, not just the survivor. Topics covered in this workshop include:

  • How stroke affects the survivor and the family

  • Expectation vs reality after coming home from hospital for everyone living in the home

  • Finding a new purpose/role after stroke

  • How to embrace the new mom vs old mom

  • Raising teens after stroke 

  • Main message: Mom may be different, but she still loves you

If you have any other topics you would like to be covered in this realm during the workshop, email them to


Facebook: @Delanie L. Stephenson


Mom Had A Stroke Book

The Calm Before the Storm Book
