Ashley Voth

Yoga Certified Teacher | Holistic Healer | Stroke Survivor

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Ashley is a Registered Yoga Instructor, a certified Reiki Practitioner, stroke thriver, and cancer survivor. She completed her first Hatha Yoga teacher training in Kalimpong, India and the second teacher training at Yoga Centre Winnipeg. She has studied Ayurvedic Medicine, Shamanism and has a passion and curiosity for holistic, alternative healing knowledge. She is an Accessible Yoga Ambassador and is an advocate for having yoga be a practice that is available and accessible to every person.

She was drawn to become a yoga teacher after experiencing a stroke and having a yoga practice be a significant part of her physical and spiritual journey through recovery and rehabilitation. She was told the goal of having her physical movement return to the way it was before the stroke was “unrealistic and too hopeful”, so she decided to use that as motivation. She values the strength, stability, and balance that was gained through maintaining a practice, and is now passionate about sharing the benefits of yoga with others.

She supports fellow stroke warriors to feel empowered, build inner strength, and embrace individuality in this moment as they journey through recovery. Ashley assists other young stroke survivors with ongoing emotional support, meditation, yoga, and reiki so that you can soothe your mind, body, and spirit and thrive in rehabilitation and beyond. She dedicates each day to building new brain pathways even when that feels impossible, and building connections with fellow survivors like you – this is what has gotten her through. Mental health, support, and resilience are the key indicators of recovery.


Chair Yoga and Meditation

Workshop Description

These classes will be a relaxing combination of yoga, mindfulness, and breathwork. Yoga will be done in a seated position and will include different movements and stretches for the mind-body connection. Adaptations that are needed will be happily given for any positions.

Stroke survivors at any stage of recovery, people with limited mobility, and those interested in a class with gentle movement are welcome to join!


Ashley Voth Website