Anna Teal

Author | Writer | Aphasia Advocate



Anna currently resides in Canton, GA, and has a passion for storytelling which led her to pursue a career in marketing. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from Kennesaw State University and a Master's degree in International Marketing from the University of Phoenix. After her husband suffered a massive stroke at the age of 34 and left him with aphasia and apraxia, she drew on her marketing and writing experience to develop Aphasia Readers. She and her husband, Ryan, realized a vast need for supplementary speech tools to practice reading aloud that are catered to adults. Aphasia Readers offers relevant reading support for adults with aphasia without having to read children's books, which can feel demeaning. Reading aloud is a proven form of speech practice, and that's precisely what the Aphasia Readers: Level 1 book fosters. There are plans for two more Aphasia Readers books in 2022. She hopes to amplify her passion for helping those with aphasia regain their voice and feel less lonely by partnering with Heal the Brain.


The Power Of Reading Aloud For Adults With Aphasia

Workshop Description

This workshop will cover a brief overview of our story, how reading aloud can be a trusted form of speech practice to encourage dialogue and instill confidence, and a brief review of how our book can help adults accomplish just that.




